
Launching innovation


Since the MIUR Piano Nazionale Scuola Digitale in 2016 has launched a global strategy for school innovation, forstering a new era for Digital Education, our aim is to give our teachers the opportunity to experience an innovative Staff Development project that brings them come into contact with the latest trends in school innovation linked to Digitalization in Education in order to develop in our learners those digital skills of active citizenship that the European Commission in its “New Skills Agenda for Europe” has placed as elements of “foundational literacy”.
Project activities include experts lectures, PLAs, job observation, workshops on PISA study, Learning Diaries and best practices benchmarking.
Among the other activities, benchmarking is particularly the most practical and efficient way to innovate and update school education because it helps overcome resistance to educational change, provides a structure for external evaluation and improvement tracking and creates networks of communication between schools sharing information and experiences.


Preparation activities have started soon after the project Ideation step.
The project Staff, sided by the Digital Ambassador, the ICT teacher and an English teacher from our Language Department, has offered coaching support to the selected Participants in the preparatory work, giving them the Learning Plan/Course Program containing objectives and expected LOs, as well as offering a special multi-task, multi-level preparatory preparation focused on the following aspects:
Module 1 : General Information on Erasmus+ program.
Module 2: Linguistic preparation in the form of an Intensive English Course, held by a trained agent of Cambridge English Language Assessment.
Module 3 : Cultural awareness and knowledge of the Territory of the hosting country.
Module 4 : Focus on the in-training main topic:
a) Basic Tools for teaching ICTs at school : Course on ipads for the creation of multimedia contents and digital class management held by an expert of the C&C Consulting Spa.
b) Basic terminology about Computer usage, Programming and Coding.
c) Basis of Computational thinking.
d) Background reference: main Models of Coding and Computational Thinking teaching in the curricula of EU schools.